Building Champions on and off the mat.

At Pace Academy we strive to create an environment closely aligned with the tenets of Taekwondo. All of our students work hard

The 5 tenets of Taekwondo.
At Pace Academy we place extra importance to the tenets of Taekwondo. We are dedicated to the development of self-confidence, discipline, mental focus and goal driven performance in all our students. View the 5 tenets below.

Ad malorum nominati vituperata vix. Te omnis oporteat vis, omnes reprehendunt nam in. Cum salutatus democritum argumentum an.



To all others in the Dojang (school) as well as people you may meet outside of formal Taekwondo training. Included in this tenet is observing correct etiquette and manners at all times.



One is not only able to determine the difference between right and wrong but also being able to stand up for what is ethically correct.



The willingness of a Taekwondo student to continue to struggle against all odds to reach their goal, both in Taekwondo and regular life.



Having control over your thoughts as well as your actions. Maintaining a pure mind as well as a pure body by keeping your emotions in check, particularly in trying circumstances.


Indomitable spirit

Refers to consistently exhibiting a full 100% effort in all that you do inside the Dojang (training area) and in life.

Meet our incredible team. All our instructors are dedicated to helping each student become better than they were the day before.

Master Will Pace

Owner & Head Instructor

Master Kriszta Pungor


Master Paul Douglas


Alan Hunsaker


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